Our Governors are all volunteers and give up their skills, experience and time for free in order to help and support our school.
If you would like to see the Full Governing Body meeting minutes, please make a request in writing to the headteacher. This can be sent by email to: admin@hipswell.n-yorks.sch.uk
Name of Governor | Governor Type | Start Date of current term of office | Date that current term of office expires | Appointing Body |
Business and pecuniary interests. Details of any other establishments governed. Relationships between governors and members of the school staff. |
% Attendance at meetings over the last academic year (2023-24) | Responsibilities | Committees | |
Ian Robertson (Chair)
LA Governor | 09/03/2022 | 08/03/2026 | Governing Board, (Nominated by Local Authority) | Retired Headteacher | 6/6 | English, Phonics and Modern Foreign Languages | School Improvement | |
Carole McCormack (Vice Chair) |
01/05/2023 | 31/04/2027 | Diocese | Retired Headteacher | 4/6 | RE, SIAMS and Collective Worship | School Improvement | |
Carolyn Ewbank
Headteacher | 01/01/2021 | n/a | n/a | 6/6 | School Improvement | |||
Tadeusz Zaranko
Co-opted | 01/09/2021 | 31/08/2025 | Governing Board | Retired Headteacher | 5/6 |
SEND Mathematics |
Stuart Rowan | Foundation | 22/11/2023 |
Diocese | 5/5 | Computing, Pupil Premium | |||
Simon Lawrie |
23/01/2023 | 22/01/2027 | Parents | 5/6 | Health and Safety | |||
Hannah Enbom | Parent | 29/11/2023 |
Parents | 3/5 | Art, DT, Music | |||
Sue Regan | Staff | 01/01/2021 | 31/12/2028 | Staff | Teacher and Deputy Headteacher | 6/6 | School Improvement | ||
Vacancy | Co-opted | Governing Board | |||||||
Vacancy | Co-opted | Governing Board | |||||||
Julie Doyle
Clerk to GB | N/A | – |
We do not currently have any associate members.
Historic governors (left within last 12 months)
Name of Governor | Governor Type | Start Date of current term of office | Date that current term of office expires | Appointing Body |
Business and pecuniary interests. Details of any other establishments governed. Relationships between governors and members of the school staff. |
% Attendance at meetings over the last academic year (2023-24) | Responsibilities | Committees |
Judy Clarke | Co-opted | 30/11/2022 | 18/01/2024 | Governing Board | 0 |